Monday, August 04, 2008

Back at it...

So today was my 1st day back to work for the 2008 - 2009 school year. If all goes as planned I'll only be putting in 14 weeks of work for the school district this year & then I'll be done...Done with working for a paycheck that is. Larry & I decided long ago that if we could swing it when we had kids I'd be staying home with them (at least until they are big enough to be in school all day where hopefully I'd also find employment so we can be on the same schedule!)

Anyway, the next 14 weeks (if Jr. holds on that long...he's been "measuring big" to quote the Dr.) will be interesting. There is a WHOLE lot to do and especially before the school year officially begins things will be crazy. So say a little prayer for me if you think about it. I'm going to be relying on God to get me through all the stuff and I'm not always so good at letting Him carry the burdens of my heart. I want to go out of this job on a good note, but the tasks that lie ahead are pretty HUGE - at least for one person. So prayers for patience (both on my part & on the part of those I work with/for), wisdom, and good time management are what I'm lifting up to God right now.

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