Thursday, July 24, 2008

A little scary...

Today was a little scary for Larry & I. I got home from the conference that I have been attending this week around 2:30 pm and went up to our office and was checking e-mail when I got REALLY lightheaded and felt like I was going to faint. I sat in my chair for a few minutes seeing if this feeling would pass & it was just getting stronger. My vision was getting blurry, I couldn't hear correctly and I just felt really strange. I've passed out before and what I was feeling was EXACTLY like what it feels like before I pass I called Larry @ work and asked him to come home and help me. I figured that if I did pass out he'd be able to revive me and if I didn't I may need to go to the Doctor, so he'd better drive me.

After I called him I called the Doctor's office & the nurses there told me to lie down for an hour on my left side, drink lots of fluids, and then call them back in an hour to let them know how I was doing. When Larry got home I did just as the nurses told me to (thank you sweetie for helping me to the bed, getting my water, rubbing my back, etc.) and eventually I fell asleep. When I woke up I felt better, but certainly not 100%. I think I'm coming down with a cold - my 1st during the pregnancy, so that may have contributed to this spell, but it was kind of scary - while I felt faint our son was NOT moving at all - and that time of the day he is usually pretty active, so I was freaking out just a bit.

I felt bad because I called Larry home from work, but I really didn't want him to find me slumped over on the floor when he came home if I did pass out. The nurse told me it could be a number of things that caused this, but both Larry & I are thinking it is stress & hormones. It is crazy, but I'm pretty stressed out about work & I'm not even supposed to be working again until August 4th! This is my vacation! However, there are a million things that need to happen already to get things squared away for school to start & I'm getting lots of e-mails and phone calls about this stuff daily. I think it is wearing on me a bit. So, if you think of it say a little prayer for me with this work stuff. I really don't want to be so stressed out about it that it affects my health or the health of our son. It CERTAINLY is NOT worth all that! I need to give it over to God and let him guide me through it and I've not been doing a good job of that at all.

1 comment:

  1. glad you are ok. that is scary. always better to be safe than sorry.

    i wasn't even sure if i was in labor and didn't want to go into the hospital and be turned away. so i just stayed up freaking out and waiting til my water broke. not sure if that was smart, but i hate going into the doctor. turns out i probably was in labor, but they wouldn't have been able to do much anyways.
