Thursday, May 17, 2007

6 more teaching days...and they are dropping like flies!

I do have only 6 more teaching days of school left! Whoo Hoo! After Memorial Day we go to Six Flags for a day, then the kids "practice" for promotion, and finally are promoted to High School! I'm as anxious as they are (well, I might even be more anxious) for this school year to be over.

While we are winding down I'm appalled and amazed at how kids are done for the year - we probably have 5 kids who are just done because of behavior and grades and such. There may be more who will follow next week. This is new to me - but don't get me wrong - it is making my job these last few days of school easier! I can be all about that!

On the home front - the condo closes on June 6 - so we'll be packing in the next little while! I'm not too worried about getting it all done - it will happen and be just fine. We will have to live in Monticello with LD's folks for a little while while the house is finished up. That will be a heck of a commute, but I guess it will be no different than when I lived with them a few summers ago! (well, it will be different as I get to live there with LD this time!)

They have been busy at the house filling in the nail holes on the trim, etc. with putty and sanding - today I went by and they were painting all the trim - it looks really good. I'll take more pics soon and post them. They also delivered the dishwasher & the microwave today - they may have delivered other appliances, but I was not allowed in the garage since the painter was in there painting when I stopped, and I suspect that is where the appliances are until the painting is done!

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