Saturday, May 19, 2007


Two nasty things from the home building front - the 1st one is thanks in part to LD - he left the empty water bottle in the basement - which someone else availed themselves of while working at the house. Gee thanks! The next nasty is the growing mold problem. The 1st shot is the lovely fur it has grown.
This next shot shows the extent of the mold on the drywall surrounding the basement stairs.
Makes you want to build a house - doesn't it all?


  1. hopefully that isn't pee on the floor.:) better in the bottle than in the house.

  2. Who knows if it is pee on the floor - I wasn't about to try to figure that out! LD called that little bottle a "trucker bomb" and it has now been removed - by whom, I'm not sure, but it is GONE!
