Sunday, November 02, 2008

November we come?!

I'm hoping that the baby comes before November 6th...this week will likely be a busy one if he doesn't...I've got meetings Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday at work which will be VERY uncomfortable - lets face it...sitting in certain types of chairs for any period of time right now is just not fun. I suffered through church this morning...If I can't put my feet up after a little while or readjust every few minutes my back aches or my side hurts or my legs hurt...

Can you tell I'm ready to be done being pregnant? I do see the Dr. tomorrow at lunch and I'm hopeful that she'll have some good news for me...

I'm trying not to be whiny about things, but I've not been sleeping well - I'm sure it is just preparation for what is in store in the next few months...

Plus, I'm just ready. Everything here at home is ready. Mentally I'm ready. Work is as ready as it is going to be. Everyone asking me how I'm doing or telling me how they can't wait isn't really helping me be patient...I'm just ready.

So, if you think of it...please pray for 1) patience for me as I wait; 2) that the baby comes sooner than later; 3) for a safe and healthy delivery when he does come; 4) that the week will not be too trying for me.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted you to know I am praying for you! I am so excited to hear SOON that Eli is in your arms!
