Monday, November 03, 2008

The end IS in sight...

Just got back from seeing my Doctor...

Not to be too graphic but while "things" are softening they are not doing anything to really write home about. Oh, and while the baby has noticeably dropped down some...he still has to engage. At least he is in the right position - head down! Even so, I've not really had much in the way of Braxton-Hicks lately so it is pretty unlikely that we'll be delivering a baby this week. Knowing all that the Doc & I talked about what our options were...she doesn't like to let things go further than 41 weeks, so we scheduled an induction on November 12th - that would be next Wednesday.

We'll see what happens...but I think for my own peace of mind it is good to have a real end in sight. Even though I don't like surprises too much if we get surprised and the baby comes before next Wednesday - GREAT! If not, then we know when to plan on him. Does that sound a little too anal of me?


  1. Well, hopefully you won't have to wait until next Wednesday, but that's great that you have a date to focus on when you know the discomforts of pregnancy and the blessings of holding your son will be here!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I keep checking my dashboard hoping for "the" Eli update--the "he's here" one:) Hope you're hanging in there! I'm excited for his arrival!!
