Anyway, since it is my day off & it will likely be my last like this for years to come...I'm being sort of a bum. It is 10:00 and I'm still in my PJ's...I did make the bed already, and I've done a bunch of other things too (laundry, baked cookies, put together the baby swing we got a few weekends ago @ the baby shower, put together the stroller we got @ the baby shower).
We got up early today because Larry's cousin Steven has been staying with us for the past few days...he got here Saturday...and he was planning to head out at about 7 am today. He's on his way from Texas to Newport, RI. He's going into the Navy's Officer Candidate School. He plans on being a fighter pilot. So as you can imagine Larry has been in his glory with Steve here...lots of airplane talk! I felt badly because I've not been such a great hostess...been pretty busy with work & then when I finally do get home I'm exhausted! Oh well...hopefully Steven understands & he really wasn't here to hang with me...and he & Larry got to bond a lot, so that is good.
So, since Larry & I were up early to see Steven off...I figured I might as well get a few things done. I have to bring snacks of some sort to church on Sunday, so I baked some cookies to package up and bring for that (hopefully there will be some left yet for Sunday...I may have to hide them). I also did a quick load of laundry since I've not been as on top of that as I'd like. Poor Larry...he's had to wear some things that have been hidden deep in his closet or dresser lately...
Here are some pics of my "accomplishments" so far today! When I'm done typing here I'm gonna get clean & then head out to do some errands...I think!
The "quickly filling up" closet in the baby room:
awww you are in nesting mode :) love it. everything looks great and sooo organized. i need help organizing :) still. hope you are feeling well. getting soo close!