Mostly this post is to just show the latest house pics - our "baby" is coming along quite nicely! Thursday I got to take my parents through our house and the model that is very similar. Today LD & I wandered through alone & then with Mike & Traci Buras. It is pretty cool. Tomorrow the condo goes on the market - I hope is sells quickly - living here while having it on the market could be a bit stressful & I'd like to avoid that!
LD admiring the facade of the soon-to-be-Stephens homestead @ 300 Dropseed Drive, Savoy, IL.
The current rear elevation - they got the windows in Thursday, and Friday they got the roof on and the duct work run in the house!
LD in his shower - already enjoying it! :)
On the stairs - you can see the open, spacious qualities that our living room / entry way will have - we are excited about that!
Oops! Some one broke a window already - and of course it is the big window in the living room. Thank goodness for insurance!
We are grateful that Larry wasn't pantomiming other bathroom functions.......