Saturday, February 17, 2007

Leave it to Gert...

The other day I decided to call my grandma. I hadn't talked to her for a while & since I had extra time (due to the snow day) I thought I'd try to check in with her. She is pretty funny & at 92 1/2 years old she totally cracks me up. She basically has gotten to the point where she just says what she wants to - she figures she is old & can just say things like they are (in her mind).

Well, while catching up with her we discussed the fact that LD & I are celebrating our 1st year anniversary this weekend. I told her about our trip to Chicago. I talked to her about my new job (thanks to mom she has been brought up to speed on what is happening here in Champaign, so none of my "news" was really new to her, but she listened and asked the right questions!) After I told her about the job she said to me, "but I hear the really big news is that you guys are building a house." True, we are - I was kind of amused that the job was not the big news to her, but the new house was. Anyway, her next comment to me was, "who would have thought that you'd be doing all this, huh? My your life has changed."

Now, I know I shouldn't be offended by this, but the tone of her comment made me think that she never expected me, of all people to have what I have - a wonderful husband, a good job (yes, I know I bitch about it a lot, but it really is not a bad is just a job!), a nice home, etc.

Am I reading too much into what she said, probably. Am I a tad too sensitive? Yes, I'm sure I am. Am I being too paranoid? Hey, I'm married to LD - I guess that comes with the territory! :) {Just kidding, babe!}

After all this I just have to remember that she's seen a lot in her days. The one time she came down here to visit her running commentary had been about how huge all the houses seemed down here - who needs that much room?! Like I said in the beginning of this rant, she just says it like she sees it! Go Gert!

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