Thursday, July 06, 2006


All night I've been trying to figure out what I'm going to do next week. Well, let me explain. I am going to a conference in Chicago for 3 days. The conference is at North Park University & is with the Center For Civic Education. It should be a good thing for me - It'll get me all into teacher mode again and I've done a lot with this organization, so I'd like to keep current with them and all that.

Well, they are putting me up in a hotel for the 3 nights I'll be there. It is in Niles, IL. I guess it is only like 6 or 7 miles from the Hotel to the Campus, but I wasn't planning on having wheels while I'm up there - that is a whole long story, but basically due to the cost of gas & the fact that LD is flying out of Midway on Tuesday - it seemed silly to have two cars up there & we'd have no good way to get them all home as he's coming back with an airplane later in the week. So, my problem is trying to figure out the best way to get from the hotel to the college each day.

Why does Chicago's public transportation have to be so difficult to figure out? I've been looking at PDF's of the RTA maps & CTA maps all night. I even used some Travel Planner feature that the RTA has & it is so confusing to me. I finally had the brainstorm that maybe LD should just rent a car & drive up in a rental that he leaves at Midway & I have my car all week. I'm still thinking that may be the best plan - he can even get a car for that from Budget for like $30. That sounds good to me, but who knows what we'll end up doing.

Frustrating! UGH!

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