Monday, February 06, 2006

Very FULL Saturday!

Something just struck me...I was reading Larry's blog & then TrainGuy's and I thought I really should post something...after all, I'm not working right now, I should have more time than ever to do this sort of thing, right?  Well, not working so far has not equaled oodles of time...there is a fair amount of stuff that one has to do to prepare for a wedding, a honeymoon, and then moving!

This weekend marked the final bridal shower.  This one was thrown by my Aunts.  They did a nice job!  I think everyone enjoyed themselves.  Larry & I got a lot of great stuff that we need – now I'm really wanting to just be married & settling in to life with Larry in Champaign.  Don't need to wait any longer.  Well, I do have to wait, but just a few more days really!  Woo hoo!  

I should write about the crazy day we had Saturday.  It wasn't insane or anything, just VERY full!  We had to go down to the Cook County County Building on Clark & Randolph to get the marriage license!  They open at 9 am & LD & I were there at 8:30 am.  Of course you can't get into the building until 9 am when they "open", so we went across the street to the Corner Bakery & got some coffee & and breakfast.  Then when we got back to the County building – there was quite a line, but it was for those who were getting hitched right then!  We found our way to the line for the licenses – and after a bit of commentary from the clerk about the many "Larry"'s in my life, we paid our $30 and were on our way.  We got back to Lansing, IL for the shower early, but that was ok.  When Larry's dad, and grandpa showed up they all headed over to 3 Floyds Brewery in Munster, IN for lunch while us women did our thing.  We joked a lot about the 3 Larry's at 3 Floyds (my dad joined them there).

After the shower LD & I met for 2 hours with my pastor.  It was a really great time...we got to share a lot with him & he listened & gave advice to us.  After that we went to the Hampton Inn where many will be staying for the wedding & where Larry & Karen were staying Saturday night to get them for dinner.  Then we took them to Leona's in Homewood, IL – where the rehearsal dinner will be held.  We got to sample a bunch of stuff & I think Karen now knows what she's gonna order for the dinner there on the 17th.  We all ate way too much – then we headed home!  It was a go, go, go kind of day, but since I got to spend most of it with LD....I was happy!

Most of the stuff I have to do to prepare for the wedding – well, it is done!  Guess I can coast for the rest of this week!  Next week is the deal!  I can't wait!


  1. The big day is coming up pretty quickly. Can't wait to have you and LD nearby on a regular basis. This is going to be so cool!

  2. Thanks! I'm glad that you and Traci have been taking good care of LD - maybe we can reciprocate with a meal at our place from time to time!
