Thursday, January 12, 2006

After a long Hiatus

I’m not sure I’m really the “blogging-type”.  I know it has been a long time since my last post.  Honestly, I’ve been busier than I’ve been in a very long time.  TOO many demands on my timeso I guess that is why I’m looking forward to being done teaching in just one more day!!

We are in the midst of exams here at school.  So, I’m able to catch up with school work that has been on the back burner for a while.  I’m also able to breathe a little bit.  Oh surethere will be plenty to grade in the next few days, but not having to plan lessons & grade at the same timewell that is a piece of cake.

Here are some final school stories:
1)  I was asked the other day if I would leave this school if Larry were assassinated.  I guess that kid wanted to keep having me as a teacher or else he just has something against guys named Larry.  Not sure.

2) Yesterday there was a luncheon / good-bye party for me here at school.  They said nice things about me & they gave me some gifts.  One of the gifts made me blush.  They gave me something called sheet snuggies.  They are for keeping the sheets on the bed.  That got a lot of laughs from my colleagues.  Guess they think they know what LD & I will be up to post Feb 18.

3) It is strange “training” your replacement.  I’m not sure I like this.  The young lady they hired to replace me is fresh out of college & I’m sure she’ll be fine, but it is sort of strange to try & finish up what you have to do while helping her adjust & get set up for taking your place.

4) I was a total nut job last night & slaved away making my cinnamon rolls. They are the closest thing to Cinnabons as I can find & they take a lot of prep work (although not as much as they couldyou make the dough in the bread maker, but still).  I thought a treat for my colleagues would be nice as Good-bye gesture.  We’ll see if they like them.  Those of you who’ve had themyou know how good they can be!

5) It is finally sunny today!  What a way to end things here at schoolwith a sunny in the 50’s day!  So nice!

6) Ok, so this is not school related, but those of you who have been invited to the wedding in February & have NOT responded yetwould you please do so soon?  I really don’t want to harass people on the phone to find out if they are coming or not!

That is it for now. LD are you happy?


  1. Nicely done. I am happy. Especially if some of those cinnamon rolls make it my way. Like I need them, but still . . . they is goooooood.

  2. There don't look to be too many left...guess I'll have to make more. I should have more time for that sort of thing now.

  3. Did someone say cinnamon rolls? Those will be a regular treat post-Feb 18th, right? Mmmmmmmmmmmm

  4. If we get a bread maker...yes, cinnamon rolls will be a regular treat. if we don't...they will appear, but not as often!

  5. I'll trade a response card for a cinnamon roll! Seriously, I had it ready before I read this. Mr. and Mrs. Train Guy will not miss the nuptials!!

  6. looking forward to the big day. can't wait to see you guys. let me know if you need anything. i'm not too far away. - katie
