Friday, December 02, 2005

World Against Toys Causing Harm (WATCH)

My sister sent me this e-mail today.  I read it during my prep period & laughed so loud.  She cracks me up.  I had to post it here for others to enjoy!
Darlene wrote, “I got this email to this link about dangerous toys and had to pass it on..........I hope the W.A.T.C.H. group that rated these toys never shows up at Cub Day Camp (where we made rubber band guns and Ping pong Launchers!) --
Or maybe I should invite them to my house and show them how, really, ANYTHING can become a weapon or can become dangerous.  See the end for an article my boys could write about their "FUN" toys:
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 World Against Toys Causing Harm, also known as W.A.T.C.H., issued its annual 10 Worst Toys list for 2005 on Thursday. Most of the toys on the list -- which aren't ranked in a particular order -- could cause choking or face and eye injuries.
The Toy Industry Association said the list is helpful in that it focuses attention on toy safety.
But "we have found in the past that the products that appear on this list have been proven by the Consumer Product Safety Commission to be safe," Julie Livingston, spokeswoman for the industry trade group said.
She said parents should use their own judgement when they buy toys. They can check the Consumer Product Safety Commission's Web site for product recalls and should pay attention to age guidelines on toy packaging, she said.
Parents need be especially vigilant during the holidays as children will be receiving several gifts during this time, Livingston added.
Toys singled out by W.A.T.C.H. include Target's Baby Serena - Baby I'm Yours doll, which comes with a rattle and bottles that can be disassembled into small parts that could be swallowed.
Fisher Price's Little Mommy Bath Baby Doll, made by Mattel, also comes with a bottle whose parts could cause choking, the consumer safety organization said.
Animal Alley Ponies, distributed by Toys R Us, can cause ingestion injuries, W.A.T.C.H. said. The soft, colorful ponies aimed at infants have long, fiberlike hair that can be hazardous.
City Blocks, distributed by IQ Preschool - Small World Toys, also made the list because of the potential for ingestion and choking injuries.
The Camouflage Water Bomb Fun Kit from Pioneer Worldwide -- a slingshot capable of forcefully firing "water bombs" -- could cause eye injuries, W.A.T.C.H. said.
Toy Biz's Fantastic 4 Electronic Thing Hands -- a pair of oversized fists -- made the list because it could cause blunt impact injuries.
Here's a link to the whole article.........
Here's a response that a group of 4 brothers (who live here!) could write:
 -- Flashlights are GREAT for hitting brothers over the head (Dad's Mag light from the desk works the best!) --Plastic hammers from toy tool sets are pretty good, too.  In a pinch, that stick thing that you bang on a xylophone with works OK.
-- If you get really upset w/ your other brother, you can wrap anyone's shoelaces around his neck and hope mom doesn't see it until after he's passed out on the floor.
--Toothpaste tube lids are easy to swallow, if you are trying to get that last little bit of bubblebum flavored toothpaste out of the lid -- mom said not to worry though, it would be easier to pass that little round lid, than a square pointy Lego's I swallowed last week!
--Bunkbeds are FUN!  For jumping, flipping off the top and onto the bottom, etc. But mom says that even with the Superman jammies AND the cape, I cannot actually fly from the top bunk onto the top of the dresser.
--You know that big Rubbermaid tub we keep the toys in?  If you upend it, dump all the toys out,  put it on upside down top of your little brother and then sit on it, he will run out of air pretty quickly from all the screaming to let him out!.  If you do not have a tub like this, a laundry hamper or even laundry basket works pretty well, too, for trapping him anyway, but the holes in these make it easier for him to breathe.
--Forks from the regular everyday silverware are wonderful for jabbing the cat with.  She makes COOL noises if you get it just right!
-- The linen closet is a good place to hide your little brother when he runs out of ideas for hide and seek in the house.  You have to really push on the door to get it to close all the way (because of the shelves in there) but it took a long time for the other one to find him!
--Roller blades are good "bug squishers" on the sidewalk.  Just make sure your brother is not trying to pick up the same bugs you are trying to squish or you get blamed for purposely hurting him -- even though you saw the bugs first!
--Shovels and rakes from the shed make fabulous catapults for those little beach buckets.  If you aim just right, your brother may be able to catch the bucket right on his head.  It takes some practice, though, to get it just right.
--Speaking of buckets, if 2 boys each have a bucket on their heads, you can play like "Run into each other headfirst" for quite a while before your head starts to hurt.
--Wheelbarrows are good for something like go-carts (Since mom says go-carts are dangerous!)-- if you run fast enough and then let go.  We got the littlest brother to keep going for almost like 10 feet in the plastic wheelbarrow before it flipped and landed on him.  AND THEN -- you can trap him like with the Rubbermaid tub!!
I could probably continue, but you get the idea. 
This is what I have become..........just call me Lois -- (Malcolm in the Middle!) 
Have a pleasant day and put all those dangerous things in your homes away please! 

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