Thursday, December 01, 2005

Sucks to be me (a pity party blog)

Woke up today to snow (as I’m sure others did too).  It took me 10 minutes to get out of my street.  What normally takes 7-10 minutes to drive took over 30 minutes this morning.  I thought that we should have had a delayed start to school.  The local towns did NOT do a good job of cleaning off the roads today.  My “experienced” students who drive were out there in this mess.  That does not make me feel all warm & fuzzy…it frankly scares me!  But at the school I’m at now we rarely have a snow day or a delayed start…even when it would be safer to do so!  Ugh!

Then to add to it…it was cold when I dressed today so I wore this poncho thing that I just got.  Not a good idea…NOW I’m roasting!  It sucks that I can’t wear any wintry clothes to work b/c it is just too hot in here (and the kids whine when I want to open a window….b/c they wear too skimpy of clothes).

There is more…but I’ll stop whining now.  It just seems like I can’t win today!  Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!


  1. Just so you don't feel left alone...for about an hour this afternoon they had the air conditioning on in our building. Today was the first time in 6+ years I had to wear my coat indoors to stay warm.
