Saturday, September 27, 2008

Baby Shower #1

We had our 1st baby shower today. Hosted by Mom Stephens & Mandy @ Mom & Dad's house in Monticello. It was a very nice time! Some folks from "up north" made the trek down...thanks Debs, Casey, Jan, Mom, Dad, Aunt Deb, & Cindy! It meant so much to have you guys there! It was also nice because there weren't a TON of people there so that meant I got to visit with everyone at least a little bit. What was fun was how many presents my parents had to take down with! I'm' a bit overwhelmed, but very grateful for the out pouring of generosity and love in all the gifts! I will be busy for a while writing thank yous...but that is OK! :)

Mandy took some pics & so did my mom, so when I get some of those I'll post them here...thanks to all of you who were at the shower today...and who said I look cute & not just huge....that all means a lot!

More later...

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