Wednesday, July 23, 2008

This week....

Well it is less than 2 weeks until I officially go back to work for my final 14 weeks of work before the baby & before I quit my school job to be a full-time mom. (that assumes that I don't deliver before November 6th...)

What is sort of sad is how little of a break I feel like I've had this summer. While I've not had to officially report to work since June 17th, I've been busy with work-related things much of the time I've been off. That is rather new for me. Most summers I don't actually have to do much in the way of school work related things and I feel like I've had break. Not so this year.

This week is a good example. I'm attending a week-long workshop on the Constitutional Convention with the American History Teachers Collaborative out of Urbana. We're meeting each day from 8 to 4:30 at the Urbana Middle School. It is great! I've gotten so far no less than 20 books (free) as a part of this workshop & it is only Wednesday. I'll get more tomorrow & Friday! I also get a rather nice stipend ($750) for the week, so that is totally worth it, but it does sort of bum me out to be locked into something like this for the whole week & not feel like I'm really getting time to do some of the things I really wanted to do this summer.

I've not been up to visit my family AT ALL this summer. I'm planning some time to do that next week, but I had hoped to be up there a few times to visit & that just hasn't happened - hasn't really been time. I hate saying that! There should always be time for family, right?

Well, once this week is over we have a pretty good weekend planned - with friends like the Cohen's coming down to Champaign to visit (& stay at our house...we were so glad they agreed to do that...seems like a waste to have guest rooms and guest baths that don't get used, doesn't it?) - and a possible trip to Indianapolis for us on Sunday afternoon to bring the Airplane in for its annual review/inspection. Then next week is my true vacation week...I'm going to do my level best to NOT think about work or what lies ahead in the 14 weeks left...we'll see how I do!

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