Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Here are the latest pictures of our son.

We got to see a lot of him today...they measured and checked ALL his parts to make sure he is progressing nicely. He is. He is right around 9 ounces @ 18 weeks. If you can't tell what the parts are on the the labels. In the foot picture you can see his two little feet...they made me tear up a little during the sonogram. In the picture of his face it looks more like a skull to me, but you can see that he has all the right features in the right spots! And then there is the "boy parts" picture...which we had to work a bit to get...he was keeping his hand down there for a while, but when he finally moved it...look for the arrow. It is pretty clear he is a he!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear everything is going well
    So far we know for great grandma there are 2 girls and 3 boys. Haven't heard from Patti,Miriam,or Rachael V.
    Patti is hoping Thorsten won't bug her to find out the sex, but we'll see who wins out!
    Enjoy your summer
    Love Aunt Joan
