Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I'm baaaaack!

After neglecting my blog for many months (to the point of being refered to by Mr. Buras as "Laurie the Infrequent" - gee thanks!) I've decided to write something.

What can I say, life has been either too busy to feel like blogging or to mundane to blog. I'm on spring break this week and trying to just relax and far so good. Today I thought a lot about what I'd post on the blog. I could give a recap of the past few months (Jan = wintry and cold; Feb = trip with the parents to Sanibel, FL & 2nd wedding anniversary; Mar = lots of stress @ work and trip to New Orleans for a conference & now spring break) - but that is not too exciting.

What I settled on was posting about the most significant occurrence in my life this past while ...
Larry & I are expecting a child. I'm pregnant! After a year or so of "trying" - Success! I'm about 7 weeks along - I know it is early, but we're too excited to keep it to ourselves for too long. I wasn't going to share with folks at work yet - it just seemed too soon, but after my trip to New Orleans those who were there with me KNEW. While there I started to get sick - not morning sickness - No I have "afternoon/evening" sickness. They also knew because I didn't have any alcohol. While everyone else had a drink with dinner - I had water. Let's just say two & two added up to four and folks figured it out.

I've felt pretty icky this week - I'm not tossing my cookies, but my tummy is pretty sensitive and smells and certain tastes have really turned me off. I'm hoping this phase passes pretty quickly. It is not too fun.

I also had my 1st official Doctor visit this week - that went well - although the amount of blood they took to run all tests was incredible. It was like giving a pint at the blood bank. I had to sit there for a while and drink some grape juice to ease the lightness in my head. Thankfully the kind lady in the Lab at Carle Clinic was more than accommodating.

Today I had lunch with a friend from Church who shared a lot of information with me - she gave me a list of books to read while I'm waiting. She showed most of them too me as well and I think I'll be checking them out -they really did look helpful.

Right now this all seems a bit surreal. My body hasn't changed a whole lot yet on the outside, but internally I can feel things are working differently. I just keep thinking what a cool adventure God has planned for me (& Larry) for the next 8 months (well and to be honest for the rest of our lives!)


  1. you guys will be amazing parents. i am so glad we will have kids so close in age. yay a playmate for haley. hope you keep feeling ok.

  2. did i ever send you that email with those recommendations? the smelling things won't go away. but hopefully after the first three months you won't feel so queasy or tired.
