Sunday, December 30, 2007

Merry Christmas & soon to be Happy New Year!

Well, "Winter Break" (as it is called in the Public School circle that I run in these days) is nearly over. I'll be back to work on Thursday...I can't say I'm ready for that yet...

Anyway, it is my prayer that anyone reading this had a blessed Christmas and will have a very blessed 2008!

Larry & I were able to spend time with both families this holiday season - although we did have to miss the very large Fennema Family party (my mom's side) this weekend - as I was afflicted with some sort of the flu. I was down for the count Thursday afternoon through this morning. Today was the 1st day I felt like my insides were getting back to normal. Not a fun way to spend the time off of work, but that is pretty typical for me...I always seem to have some sickness during this break from school.

Oh, we did get to host two nephews for a day or so too. Chris (15) & Clayton (9) came down with us Christmas night and I took them back home on Thursday. While they were here I got to spoil them a little - I took them to go see the Water horse (movie) and then we spent a few hours playing Monopoly - which was a hoot - although I had let Clayton have a refill on his soda @ the theater - so playing anything with him after 2 cherry Pepsi's was a bit crazy - he was literally bouncing around my family room - he also kept telling Chris and I that he was bored - which totally got us riled up because the little booger was WINNING! We were playing the Here & Now edition of Monopoly - so it uses bigger amounts of money - Clayton won with some 45,000,000 in cash and we didn't even count up his properties. I know I contributed most of that money to him - he had three airports - which meant that every time I landed on one I had to pay him a cool 1 million dollars...and you know me...I love the airports! While I landed there a lot - Chris kept finding himself in jail. I think that is how Clayton won. But whatever - it was fun.

When Uncle Larry got back from work we went to dinner at Dos Reales - and then went to Luke & Mandy's to play ROCK BAND for X-box. The guys let Chris & Clayton play quite a bit & they loved it on Luke's big screen. Chris is pretty good, and Clayton did really well for not having played the game much before this trip. When we got home we let they guys stay up to watch the rest of the Lord Of the Rings - Chris had started the Fellowship of the Ring earlier in the afternoon and had only gotten through the 1st DVD of it. So we all enjoyed watching the 2nd DVD - and finally got to bed around midnight. The boys slept in some on Thursday, so that was good. Then when we finally did get moving I drove them back up North to go home and play with all their new stuff that they got for Christmas that they hadn't taken down with them. Actually, the only thing they did take with them down here was Clayton's Star Wars Cd that I got him. I think we listened to it like 8 times or to love the Imperial March!

After I took the boys back I headed up to Orland Park, IL to stop @ Trader Joe's and get more coffee...LD & I are hooked on Trader Joe's Coffee and we were running low, then I headed further into Suburbia and went to IKEA in Bollingbrook. We want a certain type of bookcase for our Living room and the only place I've seen anything remotely like what we want is IKEA or Room & Board. So, considering the price difference - I was opting for the IKEA bookcase. After IKEA I was heading home. The trip to IKEA was pretty uneventful until I was checking out. While waiting in line I started to feel really strange - very sleepy, and wobbly. While I was actually paying I felt like I was about to pass out. My sight was getting very tunnel-y, my hearing was getting muted, I felt like I feel every time I give blood and they sit me up too soon. I found a seat in their little cafe area as fast as I could and just sat there for a while - about 30 minutes as far as I can tell. While sitting there I was just praying and trying to get my head about me. I knew that I still had to load the car & drive home. God is good - He answered my prayer - when I got out to load my stuff I had to leave it to pull up the car and this very nice young man and his mother said they would watch my cart for me while I got the car. When I came back they and an IKEA worker helped me load the trunk. I don't think I could have done that right then. Then on the way out of the parking lot I stopped at the Mobil Station, used their restroom, and got some drinks for the road. I figured that I might just need to rehydrate - so I got some vitamin water, and another bottle of just regular water. I also got a diet coke - just in case I was really in need of caffeine on the way home.

I made it home - but pretty much just collapsed into LD's arms when I did get there. I spent the next two days pretty much in bed or on the couch. My head hurt, my stomach hurt, and I'll be tactful and just say I had the flu bug. Not fun!

But I'm good now - so I'm very thankful for that! And I'm thankful that LD didn't really get what I had. He didn't feel so well Friday & actually came home after 1/2 day at work, but he just had a really bad headache - and it was nice to take a long nap curled up next to him on Friday afternoon.

Tomorrow is New Years Eve! Whoo Hoo 2008! We'll be ringing it in with Luke & Mandy & friends @ their house. The annual PJ party. We've gone before but for the last two years we've rung in the new year in bit more exotic locations - last year in Chicago with Larry's Folks @ a wine tasting, then Cabaret-type show, then party and the year before that in Long Beach, CA on the Queen Mary! I'm ready to celebrate "at home" again this year. I think it will be nice! And hopefully my parents will join us for New Year's Day at our house - either that or we will all (Mom & Dad VdW and LD & I) be flying to KY for the day to see Mode & Eli!

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