Tuesday, October 23, 2007


So, I'm taking this Board Credit Class in Unit 4 on racism. Some people I know know all about the issues here in our school district, others do not, but racism is a pretty big deal here - hence this course is being offered to help us learn how to "fix" the problem.

I'm frustrated though. I'm blaming it on my Reformed background & upbringing, but I'm learning all about racism but with no solution, no problem solving, yet. The course isn' t over yet, but I'm getting pretty down thinking just about the WHAT.

A few years back @ ICHS there was a teacher in service where we taught to ask 3 questions with our students when teaching anything - WHAT, SO WHAT, & NOW WHAT. The what is the facts, the details, etc. The so what is the why - the why does this matter, why should I care. The now what is the what do I do with this.

Well, the SO WHAT & the NOW WHAT especially is what is missing for me in this class.

I don't think I'm racist. I'm human. That said - all humans fear the unknown to some extent. All humans sin too, so we don't always treat our fellow human beings as we ought. Does that make me a racist? I hope not.

I'm just frustrated. When I left class tonight I felt like I must by default be a racist because I'm white. Oh, and because I'm white I can NEVER know what it is like to be the downtrodden group. Honestly, I don't feel like I'm any more privileged than anyone else. God certainly has blessed me along the way, even though I certainly don't deserve his blessings. LD & I talked about just what a blessing and "advantage" we've had in the families we are a part of.

Enough rambling. I just needed to vent a moment.

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