Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Can't see for beans, right now.

I know it has been a while since my last entry - the lovely network @ work won't let me blog! And since that has been my only Internet access for the past few weeks...well, that should explain it all!

We have a closing date for the house now - this coming Tuesday, June 26th! Whoo Hoo! I can't wait. The house has been DONE for a week or two now, and it is driving me nuts to see it done & we aren't in it!

In other news - my last day of work for this school year was yesterday. I'm now officially on summer break! Guess how I kicked things off today...Going to the Eye Doctor. Good times! (NOT) While they didn't do that puff of air thing anymore - now it is some blue light that almost touches your eyeball, they did put a cocktail of drops into my eyes so that they would dilate. Then they sent me to the geriatric waiting area to let the drops do their thing - make my eyeballs look psycho! Anyway, I don't have glaucoma, but I feel like I'm 80 & need those special sunglasses things that old folks wear over their glasses - the sun is soooo bright when your pupils are giant! It was odd to drive after. I'm having a hard time seeing things that are close, so you can imagine how many typos I'm having to delete as I type this!

Well, that is all I've got for now. Happy summer!

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