Saturday, May 26, 2007


Moving sucks. I am very excited about the new house, but packing up the condo is SUCKY. It truly is amazing how much stuff two people can have! The condo is nearly empty - we plan on moving to Monticello for a few weeks - starting on Wednesday of this week. The condo closes on June 6th, and we are planning to be gone next weekend, so we figured that we had to get on with the packing and all that this past week & this weekend.

We took 4 trips to the Storage bin today - with the use of the Escalade - so that we could get all the stuff out there. I just finished packing up the kitchen - and it is 11:42 pm. We started out pretty well this morning - then we went to El Torero for brunch, to Horizon to get boxes (which we got a ton & there in is only one left for us for tomorrow!) then we came home and tackled the clothes. Once that was done I was on to the kitchen and bathroom. I will take some pics of the piles of stuff we've boxed and moved so far. It is pretty crazy!

I will be soooooo glad when this phase of things is FINISHED

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