Tuesday, November 18, 2008

He's here (part 2)

I think where I left off was Larry bringing me pics in the OR recovery room after Eli was born....
We got up to the postpartum floor around midnight and settled into our room, 1150. It was right by the nurses station & out our window you could see the heliport (Carle is a Level 1 trauma center) so LD had some entertainment out our window. :)

Slowly I got feeling back in my legs and all that, and we got to feed Eli, Larry changed a diaper or two and we went to sleep for a while. They did wake us up a lot that 1st night to check everything - check mom, check baby, check mom, check baby...when they checked me they always asked if I needed anything & the thing I needed most was benedryl. I had a morphine pump hooked to me for pain...I used it twice. The pain was not so bad, but I was sooooo itchy all over. The Dr. had said that might happen from the drugs they had put into me, but the nurse told it was probably mostly the morphine...so I tried to stay away from it as much as I could. I looked PRETTY bad on Thursday morning...I didn't know how bad until my Dr. came in and checked me out and told the nurse to take out my catheter, unhook the IV and let me get up to take a shower.

I took a nice hot shower...oh, did that feel good, and when I got out & saw myself in the mirror...my face was all red. I mean RED! I had scratched it so much in the night that it was raw. I couldn't believe it. That is why there have been so few pictures of Eli & I. (although I'm ready now for there to be some...)

By 10 am we had visitors...Aunt Mandy & Cousin Levi...for Eli's 1st of many photo shoots. Then Susan Becker came with goodies for us & to see Eli! Then Mom VdW arrived...she drove down for the day - LOVE HER! Then Jenny Freyer came to see him...the bad part was that when the 1st visitors came Eli was still in the nursery...they round up the babies each morning to have the pediatrician come and check them and he was still with them when the visitors arrived...thankfully he came back to us pretty soon after that.

Uncle Luke came during his lunch, Grammie & Papa came in the early afternoon, Jeff Freyer came after work, Mike & Traci Buras came in the early evening. I think it was just the right amount of visitors...not too overwhelming...

I was feeling fine, so we were pushing to get to go home on Friday if the Doc would let us. When we saw her Friday morning she was fine with that if the pediatrician released Eli, she'd release me! Whoo hoo! We had a few more visitors, Grammie & the "Goody's" and then the nurse told me we could go when we were ready...so I got dressed...so glad to get out of the hospital gown & into real clothes. We ordered out "suite meal" - Either Prime Rib or Shrimp for mom & dad...we had shrimp. It was ok...but we were just wanting to get out of there and be settled in at home.

By 4 pm we were discharged and on our way home. We knew that shortly after we got home and settled in there Nana & Papa VdW would be at our house to take care of us for a few days...that was so nice.

They drove down and were with us Friday & Saturday nights and then went home late Sunday afternoon. They were a huge help, both mentally & physically. I think she thought she'd have to do more, since I'd had a c-section, but I've bounced back pretty well, I think. I don't have a lot of pain with it and for that I'm soooooo glad. The worst part was that my digestive track ground to a halt for a few days and I was getting soooooo uncomfortable, but before they left on Sunday I was able to work that all out & then I felt great!

I will admit that I'm having a hard time adjusting to not being in control of the schedule. But for a somewhat control freak like me I'll get there, probably just in time for me to actually dictate the schedule (what like in a few months...) I've had some weepy times these past few days, but I have a wonderful family who has been so supportive. My husband is the BEST! He's taken care of me, prayed with me and for me, and taken such good care of his son when Mama needs a break.

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