Monday, November 20, 2006

Has it really been 3 months since I last blogged?

I know - it has been a very long while since I last blogged. Where has the time gone??? These past 3 months have been some of the most stressful of my entire life, and that is why no blogging has occured - who has time?

School is interesting. It is very demanding and hogs a lot of my time. In other news, Larry & I have taken MANY weekend adventures to escape and get my mind off of school, so that is great! I don't think we've had a weekend at home for almost a month!

To add to the hectic pace of life, we were looking for a house, but now that is on hold until spring at least. That is ok - looking at houses (as much as I enjoyed it) was also stressing me out a bit - it is such a time committment & I just don't have all that much extra time these days.

Anyway, enough whining. This week is Thanksgiving. We'll be spending it with my folks in Dyer, IN. I'm excited. I'm also very thankful to God for a lot of things. I'm gonna be nerdy and list a few (in no real particular order)
*LD - my wonderful and amazing husband. I love you!
*Community Evengelical Free Church - where we've been attending church. I really love the people there & am sooo blessed by the preaching of the word in that place!
*Family! We are very blessed with wonderful family all around us! Our parents, siblings, grandparents, cousins, nieces & nephews, aunts & uncles!
*Friends! We are very blessed with wonderful friends both here in Champaign and elsewhere!
*Our Condo - it may be feeling small these days, but is HOME! What a great feeling!
*My car. I love having wheels! Whoo Hoo!
*Employment. While I may not love my job each & every day, I love that God has provided me with employment & that I also know that He is using me @ school. He has also given me some great people to work with and some great opportunities for the future!
*Faith. I am sooooo thankful for the faith that I have in Jesus Christ. I tell you I am challenged with so much in life these days and knowing that I am not my own, but belong body & soul to my faithful savior Jesus Christ gets me through each day. I live to serve. I am not perfect, but in Christ he takes my imperfect and makes it good. What a comfort and what a blessing to have faith as simple as a child and just believe!

Ok - I'm done for now. Have a blessed Thanksgiving day & don't forget to take time to Thank God for all the good things he freely gives to you!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see you're blogging again, even if it's just for the holidays.
