Wednesday, September 10, 2008

32 weeks...Update

So, I'm really starting to have some major discomfort from the son. He's hanging out pushing on my ribs a lot. It is actually quite painful by the end of the day. I've also been having some braxton-hicks contractions, also not so fun, but I guess since there may only be 8 weeks left to go this is all part of the package deal, right?

The strangest thing is that my left leg/foot is not so swollen any more. The other night I noticed that it was almost the same size as the right leg...I had to show Larry & he was hasn't looked like that for a very long time (March maybe??).

We have another sonogram this Friday. I really can't wait. I want to see this guy! I also want to know how big he's gotten. I've sort of plateaued with my weight as of late, so I'm wondering what has been happening with him.

It was wierd but Larry mentioned something to me about a date in late October and that he had to tell some folks that it would be tentative - because that date was well within the window of our son's arrival...I hadn't thought about that. But he's right. We really are on the count down now. 8 weeks will fly by...well it should until I'm too uncomfortable to do much and then I suspect it will drag. Oh well, it is all part of life, right?

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