Saturday, April 12, 2008

Feeling fat.

Well, it is official. I feel fat. I had to break out some maternity pants this week as most of my regular pants (that I can wear to work) are just too tight for comfort anymore. The funny thing is that most of my jeans still fit - like right now I'm actually wearing a size 8 jean that feels great. Go figure.

I defininately have the "baby bump" going on. You can tell if you know I'm with child, but if you didn't know I was with child you'd probably just think I was putting on some pounds. It is funny because as I look around I see loads of women with the muffin top thing happening and I'm quite sure they are not all pregnant. So I guess for a while I just get to feel kind of fat.

Oh, we saw the Dr. on Thursday & got to hear the baby's heart beat. Of course our child didn't fully cooperate. It took the Dr. a while to detect the rapid pulse - partly because my own blood vessels were so loud. After she searched around for a while with the Doppler she was able to hear it and so did LD & I. That was pretty exciting. Now things seem a little more real. :) On April 21st I go to have some tests done to help determine that everything is progressing normally - they will do an ultrasound or sonogram (I can't remember which it is) and some blood tests - all to help us know if there are any abnormalities like spina bifida or things like that. We opted to do this testing to just give us some peace of mind and if there are some abnormalities it will also give us time to learn about those as we await our little one.

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