Sunday, August 26, 2007

Family B-Day celebrations!

We were up in Dyer today for family Birthday celebrations! Joe turned 35 this past week, Madeline Olivia will be 2 on the 31st & Mom VdW will be 63 on Sept. 2.

It is always crazy when our family gets together any more - with 8 little people - all calling, "NANA, NANA" and Nana hopping to their every need - then the rest of us feeding our faces and trying to talk - it is nuts, but in a good way.

LD & I flew up to Lansing in time for my folks to pick us up from the Lansing Airport and take us with them to Church this morning. That was nice. We got to see my Grandma VdW @ church - and laugh as 5 men all worked to fix the flat tire that she somehow got on the way to church. Man, it pays to be almost 93 - they took care of her so nicely - I don't think I'd get that sort of treatment!

After church it was off to pick up Grandma Fennema so she could join us all for the festivities. Then we all had dinner together @ mom & dad's and opened presents and played and visited. I'm wiped out! LD did sneak off for a few minutes to get a small nap before they all headed home around 4:30pm.

We hung out with mom & dad for a little while longer and then they took us back to the airport so we could head home.

Here are some pics from the day:
1st is Great Grandma & Ella; then the two birthday girls - Nana & Maddie; Uncle Joe (birthday boy) helping fashionista & birthday girl Maddie try on her new clothes.Finally - at the airport LD saw this plane & had to check her out. Pretty cool, huh?

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