They also were able to estimate his size...and at 32 weeks he's estimated to be 5 lbs, 2 ozs. With 8 more weeks to go...we may be talking a 9 lb + baby if we go to week 40! Yikes!
I was also a dope & didn't pee in a cup at home, so I had to do that at the DR's office. This time I had protein in my urine. SO I had to give some blood for them to test & I have to go back on Monday morning with more urine for them to check on the protein level. I'm not 100% sure what all this will mean, but I guess it is better for them to be cautious and check on things rather than let things go.
Well, here are some of the pics from today. Look at the bottom of each pic to read what it is supposed to be (if you can't tell!)

In the profile pics you can see a hand up near his mouth....not sure if he is sucking his thumb or his hand or what. I was just glad his hand was up by his mouth this time & not down by his "boy parts" as it was the last time we had a sonogram.
wow getting so close. haley was born at 39 wks. sorry you are having so much discomfort and braxton hicks already. good thing it's not 100 degrees :) it will be worth all the pain and you'll want to do it all again :) then realize you're completely nuts. :) can't wait to meet the little guy or not so little if he's 9 lbs. - katie