Anyway, last week I ordered this China Cabinet from a local furniture store (Furniture Warehouse...I love them. I can always get the Ashley Furniture piece that I want at way less than our Ashley Furniture store here in Champaign is charging & the guys that work there are so high pressure to buy...Larry has described the folks at the Ashley Furniture store as being like Co-dependant girlfriends). The new furniture was delivered today - they guys set it all up and put it where I wanted and then all I had to do was fill it with the goodies I've been storing in the basement.
It really does have china in it too! Recently I inherited my Grandma VanderWall's Noritake China that my dad got for her when he was in Hong Kong back in the 60's. It is very nice & I always wanted it. Now that everything is being moved out of her house so that it can be sold some day soon, I got the china! I also got a set of wintery china last year at an estate sale here in Champaign for $5. So I've got both sets in my china cabinet now. I think it looks pretty good & it is wonderful to have those precious, fragile items put away instead of in boxes in the basement.
Since we got dark wood pieces of furniture for the entry hall & living room I went for a dark wood china cabinet & so far I think it looks great. We have a pine dining room table & chairs and I really wasn't going to find anything to match that, so I figured that this set up would work. It is funny because it is actually from the same furniture series that our bedroom set is from... Ashley's Carlyle style. Is that too corny to keep picking from the same style & company? Oh well if it is! We're keeping it! Larry stopped home a little bit ago to pick something up and he said he liked it a lot so that is good. I had put some Ivy on the top of the piece (thinking it needed a little something up there) but he & I agreed that that just wasn't our style, so I took it down.
Next up - a dresser for the baby's room. I'm opting for a dresser instead of a changing table - we'll put a changing pad on the dresser and use it for a changing table for now, but when our son is older then we don't have to acquire more furniture - we can just use the dresser we have. That seemed to make more sense to me. There is an Ashley one I like, I just need to make sure that the wood tones match or coordinate before I go and buy that.
it looks really nice. can't wait to see you guys.