Monday, May 28, 2007


Check it out - the house @ night!

I love the look of the lights & seeing them lit up at night - especially that big one in the hallway - thru the window - is pretty neat!

We went to Brad & Trish Curry's wedding yesterday afternoon - took the Escalade - figured if we were all dressed up we might as well travel in style (we are borrowing Dad's vehicle to move stuff, too) and we discovered that this truck as seat A/C! Ooh is it nice! I'm thinking that the next car I get will need to have both the seat A/C & seat heat! We'll see if we can swing that, but it sure is nice!
Lastly - look at how lush & green Champaign is getting! This shot is looking down Church Street heading west from Downtown! To the left is West side park - one of our favorites in this city! Nice, huh?


  1. wow - looks so nice!!! good luck with the move! looking forward to seeing you guys soon. have fun this weekend in kentucky.

  2. Couldn't you find a better picture to post than that top one? It looks like I'm picking my butt.
